What We Do

We like each other, so we try to create a multitude of opportunities to do life together. While many churches separate their community by age, sex, or life circumstances, we try to structure our church life so that everyone is included and can learn from or serve one another - young and old, single or married, veteran believers or brand-new Christians.
Wednesday Night Meal and Bible Study
Perhaps the best way that we live this out is on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings when we cook for each other and share a family meal. Dinner is followed by an interactive Bible study. The evening begins at 5:45 and finishes promptly at 7:00. Please note, we don’t meet on Wednesdays during the summer.
Children & Youth
While we do have significant time devoted to intentionally teaching our children in kid-friendly settings, we have an ethic of not segregating our various people into too many different groups. We want our children to be discipled by seasoned believers, and we want seasoned believers to be energized by our young ones. To that end, you will find that First Christian’s children are involved in many aspects of corporate worship. They are receiving teaching in the service, reciting verses, assisting in leading worship, helping with the service of communion, and serve in a variety of other ways.
In addition to this corporate involvement, our children have opportunities throughout the week to receive age-appropriate discipleship. These include two opportunities on Sunday (9:15 & midway through our 10:30 worship service) as well as midweek activities for all ages, including youth group.
Men’s & Women’s Activities
Because we desire to operate as a church family, we recognize that men and women bring unique perspectives and have different experiences and learning styles. Our men meet every Tuesday morning to share breakfast and fellowship and to pray for specific needs in our church. Our women also have a number of gatherings throughout the year for both fellowship and Bible study.

Ministry at our Doorstep:
While many churches go looking for ways to serve, the Lord brings ministry to our doorstep each morning. As a downtown church, our location offers us the privilege of serving many low-income and homeless people. This is not a one-way service street; we strive to incorporate everyone into the Body of Christ so that each person serves and receives the service of others in the Body of Christ. Everyone finds relationship and everyone has a role within the body.

Strategic Partnerships:
We certainly don’t need to reinvent the ministry wheel. Instead, we find Kingdom-minded partners whom God is already using and then meaningfully partner with them to carry on the work of the Kingdom. Think of us as the reserve troops of the Kingdom, filling in the gaps and serving these ministries in a capacity-building manner. We purposely limit our ministry partners in order to be of tangible service. Click on a picture below to find out more about our partners:


Local Focus:



Global Focus: